Saturday, December 09, 2006

I've Been Tagged

Well i've been tagged by daring diva Intimate Liasions...
Here's how it works: You write some weird things about yourself that people might not have known and then tag other bloggers to do the same...
here are some of my idiosynchricies:

1. Im freakily obsessive about cleanliness. Yes i will insist you clean your hands before dipping them in my tub of popcorn and no i will never have nuts from the common bowl at the bar!

2. I have a thing for tall men coz i love wearing heels and like to look up rather than down at them. Also, its great when they hug u and you can feel enveloped in their arms.

3. I've dabbled in some experimentation but chicken out of menage-a-trois, coz sharing ain't caring in this regard.

4. I can never sleep till i've been in bed for atleast an hour, with music piping through.

5. Im in a profession that requires me to mingle and network with a lot of people. But my personal space is very sacred to me and at times i project a image of detachment and bitchiness - according to all the people i don't care to dabble in mindless small talk with. Well i like it that way.

Im tagging: Ani, Anahat, Lost little girl, Eve


Still Searching said...

hohooh... !! personal space.. arrogance... bitchiness.. heeh.. very familiar for me... i have a similar reputation in my office as well!

SIM said...

haha yea its great being the office bitch innit? im so glad coz that keeps the idiots at bay, so i dont have to make polite convo's ;)

Still Searching said...

So true! No one tries to mess with you either :-)

Anonymous said...

yo serendipity:

interesting...that stuff about cleanliness...

do you kiss a guy after dinner or do you wait till he's brushed his teeth? If so, which is your preferred brand of toothpaste? Will an ordinary off-the-panwala mouth freshener do?

And...ulp..this is a little over the top..pun intended..but do you kiss your guy after he's kissed you..y'know...not necessarily on the mouth?

Zee said...

i loved your point about tall men!!! Even if they're skinny, the hug feels so good!

SIM said...

tsh, tsh, tsh lucky. i was expecting one of those, im glad it came from you :)
well no, thankfully and mercifully, my obsessive behaviours is only related to food. all else is relative. thx for asking though. ahem!

- Aye Davanita said...

heyyy... you didn't approve my earlier comment!

SIM said...

@ aye
i didn't get any comment from u before this one